Saturday 7 July 2012

Online Marketing - Pay Per Click Marketing

Pay Per Click Marketing is the fastest way of to drive traffic to your web site, period. The three big pay per click sites that we recommend are as follows and they are in this order for a reason with Google being at the top.
Google is the main pay per click marketing search engine. There are other places that you can market on pay per click. The three major search engines are Google, Yahoo, and MSN, but Google controls most of the market.
How Does Pay Per Click Work?
Pay Per Click works by you selecting keywords that are related to your business, product, or service.
1. You choose keywords or key phrases
2. You bid on those keywords or key phrases to get them seen
3. Google determines which ads to show
So how do you get your ads seen?
1. Write a great ad (great copy writing is a key factor in all marketing)
2. Bid the right amount
3. Make your ad relevant to your keywords as well as your website
I do not want to make it sound to easy but it's really is not that difficult to get your ads seen when you know what you are doing. To many people rush to get their ads out on Google and do not do the proper research, or work with experienced marketers and coaches.
You can apply the strategies you use for Google to Yahoo and MSN. Google's pay per click program is called Ad Words. There is a difference between "natural" searches" the search results that appear on the left-hand side of the search page and the "paid" search results that appear on the top and right-hand side. Where The Results Are Found
How Search Engines Work
When someone types in a search term, it goes to the Google web server. Google processes the search through both the Search Index servers (natural) and the Ad Word (pay per click) servers as well as the Google web document server before displaying the results, which appear as in the image above.
A Google AdWord can be likened to a three-line classified ad that appears in a newspaper âEUR" except that instead of reaching a small audience of classified ad readers, you have the opportunity to reach millions of people by marketing this way on the internet. You get charged every time someone clicks each time someone clicks on your pay per click advertising.
When you are writing these ads, you have a limited number of words and characters. That's why it's so important that you know who your target market is and what keywords you should be using to attract them, so that you get the most out of your three lines on the right-hand side and generate real leads. The ads should be attractive to your target market.
Pay Per Click Definitions
Maximum Cost Per Click" Maximum per click bid you are willing to pay Impressions" The number of times your pay per click ad has been viewed Click" The number of times your ad has been clicked Cost per Click âEUR" The average price per click you actually paid CTR (Click-Through Rate)" Amount of times an ad has been viewed/Amount of times an ad has been clicked Creative" Advertisement being distributed
Why Google?
The reason your focus should be on Google versus other search engines is that the majority of people use Google for their searches. Google holds nearly 70% of the market share; if you're not advertising on Google, you might as well not bother advertising. Google is where you want to start.
Google also has the most searches, but they also have the most tutorials to help you use their AdWords tools successfully. Google is flexible, offers the fastest service for campaign and editorial review, and the most features and parameters for ad distribution. You can get your ad up and running very fast. Some of the others, like Yahoo and MSN, have a longer, more drawn out process for getting your ad approved.
How Pay Per Click Works Pay per click is a keyword bidding system. You're going to establish your target market and what your target market it. Then you will generate keywords or key phrases that pertain to your target market. When you put those keywords and key phrases into Google AdWords, you'll be able to bid on those keywords and key phrases. Depending on your bid and the relevance of your website and the popularity of your ad, your ad will appear further up in the rankings on the pay per click ads and determine your position.
You'll be able to analyze the performance of your Pay Per Click ads by looking at the metrics on your Google account. It will show you your keywords and keyword phrases, your bids, your impressions, your clicks, your CTRs, and your average cost per click. You can run more than one ad at the same time marketing the same keywords to test which one works better and earns a better click-through ratio. If you're testing two ads, give them at least a week. Make sure there's a decent volume running through them. By testing ads this way, you come up with very effective ads. Once you develop an ad that works, throw away the non-performing ad and then develop another one to test against the winning ad. You might be surprised âEUR" some ads that you think are home-run winners might not work at all, and ones you don't think will do well do great. Use the Google tutorials, too. They can really help.
Creating Your Ad
Your ad needs to grab your target market. You have very few words and characters to get their attention. Use your keywords in your headline. For example, if you are marketing sports equipment, and your keyword is sports equipment, use the phrase sports equipment in the top line. Talk about the benefits of your product or service in the second line and put a call to action in the third line.
The first line has to be able to draw your target's attention and contain words you know they are looking for. The second line has to make them believe that clicking on the link will benefit them. The third line should clinch the deal, so to speak, and tell them to come visit your site or squeeze page. You really want to get the person to click on your ad and come to your site.
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When you are designing your ad, remember you are trying to target your specific market, the people who are looking for you and what you have to offer. You don't want to waste money by bringing people to your site who have no interest in what you provide; you have to take the time to understand your target market and develop appropriate keywords before designing your ad.
Once you have created your ad, you need to set the parameters of the ad and where you want it to run. Google allows you to distribute your ad locally, nationally, or internationally. You can choose what languages the ad runs in, what days the ad runs. You can set a budget for the ad and even choose what networks your ad is shown on.
As you set up your Google pay per click (PPC) account, the parameters you set will help you drive in more highly targeted traffic, give you more control over your budget, more control over your money âEUR" your money is being better spent. It saves you money to do this. Targeting by country âEUR" I do this; you can select which countries you want to market to, and even what cities and regions.
This is a huge tool. Let's say you are a mortgage broker or real estate agent; you can target your ads only to the areas in which you work. All of your leads will be coming from those areas. You can actually put in a latitude and longitude and get very specific about who you target.
Why Should I Use Pay Per Click?
-You are in control of how much traffic you get and how much you pay for it.
-You can get targeted traffic to your site quickly
-No long-term commitment - you can start and stop anytime with a click of a button
- You only pay when someone clicks your ad and comes to your site
- Ability to get your site exposure at the expense of others
- You can compete with bigger companies
- You can be better at PPC than bigger companies the playing field is level
- By gaining traffic through your PPC, you can get a better idea of which keywords you should optimize (SEO)
How to Set Up Your Google AdWords Account
1. Go to and click on advertising programs
2. Click on Google AdWords
3. Click start now
4. Choose the standard edition and click continue
5. Choose the language you want your ad to come in, and
6. Choose where you want to advertise: countries and territories, regions and cities, or custom; click continue
7. Choose which specific areas you want to add to your locations, then continue
8. Create your ad. Take your time.
a. Note that the maximum number of characters (that is letters and spaces together) in your headline cannot exceed 25 and the two description lines can only have 35 characters.
b. Use Google's keyword tool to determine keywords to use in your headline.
c. Your keyword should be in your headline and in one of the description lines.
d. The display URL is the link that will be displayed. It doesn't have to be the actual URL with the www
e. Your destination URL, however, has to have the www
f. Before clicking continue, click on the link to make sure it works properly.
9. Choose your keywords. If it's your first campaign, use just a few keywords to start out with. These keywords should pertain to your business and be highly specific to your target market. Click continue.
10. Choose your budget. You can set a limit and once that limit has been reached, your ad will stop running. Also set the CPC limit the amount you are willing to pay for someone to click your ad. Try different methods paying more for CPC may move you up the ranking faster. Choose whatever budget makes you feel comfortable. Your bid for CPCs will have to be higher if it's a more competitive market, like home business, and will be less expensive if your market is something like basket weaving. Click continue.
11. Review your pay per click order. Make sure your link works. Make any changes you want to make, answer the questions, then click "continue to sign up."
12. If you already have a gmail account or use other Google services, you can use the same username and password for your PPC account. If you do not already use other Google services, it will help you set up a username and password.
Once you've set up your account, you can develop more than one ad to test. You can review the results in the Google summary (choose the "summary" tab). In the summary, you will find detailed information about the number of clicks, impressions, the CTR, the average cost per click, and other pulse-taking details about the account. You can click on the keyword tab to determine which keywords are working well for you.
TIP: Think about what your market is going to see when they run a search. Let's say they are searching for home business. Everywhere the words "home business" appear, they'll be bolded. So, the more often the search term appears in your ad, the more bold words will attract them. A little trick we use is to make sure our "display" URL has the keywords in it, even if the destination URL is something else. For example, if my keyword is home business, even if my destination URL is actually lehmanhailey dot com, in the display URL, I can add the keyword: lehmanhailey dot com/homebusiness. Now be careful when using this technique as Google has actually cracked down on this so you ad might not get approved. I know plenty of people that are still using this technique today and I actually use it on a daily basis.
I urge you to watch the Google Online Marketing tutorial videos and use the tools they offer. You can run reports on nearly anything you can imagine.
Conversion Tracking
Under the campaign management tab in your Google PPC account, you need to set up conversion tracking. In order to track conversions, you need to add code to your thank you page. You may need your web designer to help you with this if you don't understand HTML. You want the tracking code put into the thank you page, and Google has a PDF set up guide that you can use or send to your programmer so that they can do it.
To get your conversion page code, go to the campaign management tab, find the AdWord tracking box, and click "get conversion page code." This will take you to a page where you have more choices in determining what your conversion report tells you; you want to choose the box that says "lead." Click continue. It will take you to a page where you can customize, but I typically just leave the standard settings and click continue. On the bottom of the page you will find the HTML code that you need to add to your thank you page. Click inside the box and it will select all of the text. Right-click your mouse and choose copy. Paste that into an email message to your programmer or add it to your thank you page
Lehman's background is in mortgage finance. He was the owner of a mortgage company with offices in Florida and Tennessee, Licensed in 13 states, and had about 40 employees. After years of managing that many employees and working 13 hour days he decided to look for something that would allow him to spend more time with his family as well as give him a better lifestyle. In 2004 he got started in the Direct Sales industry and closed down his mortgage company. Lehman is a top 1% income earner in the Home Business Industry. He is widely recognized as one of the top trainers and has served on the Leadership Committee for two of the top Direct Sales companies in North America. His knowledge of Online Marketing has lead him to the education of others. For more information on Internet Marketing and Lehman's marketing techniques you can visit him at the links below.
Lehman Hailey Creator of

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