Saturday 7 July 2012

Google AdWords - The Way to Go With Online Advertising

What do you do when you see a blinking banner? Do you click on it? Read it? Ignore it? If you're like most of the population you probably have developed "Banner Blindness". You're so fed up with being pitched to wherever you turn, that you begin to tune out ads. You don't notice them at all. They don't mean you.
Even worse is when ads are annoying. Do you resent pop up ads that block the information you're trying to read? How aggravated are you when you find your inbox filled with spam? People don't like being sold to. It is bothersome, annoying and just plain intrusive.
More and more marketers are realizing that traditional advertising doesn't work on the web. People go searching on the web for information. They're not interested in being distracted by unwanted ads. People are so upset with unasked for ads that technology now filters emails, disables pop ups and blocks telemarketers.
In fact advertising is so unpopular that when advertising in an intrusive or bothersome way companies run the risk of alienating customers and destroying brand loyalty. That's why Google AdWords are so popular and effective. They are unobtrusive and surprisingly low tech. These ads read like regular search results. It's nothing like in your face advertising. In fact with Google AdWords people are pleased to see you advertise because it is exactly what they are looking for when they are looking for it. The best thing is that they're interested! The fact that people click on these ads fifteen percent of the time shows that sometimes people find these ads more relevant to their search query than the results served by Google.
People don't even seem to care or mind that these results are sponsored.
Google AdWords is most likely your cheapest option too. With a set daily budget and smart keyword selection you can get a lot of targeted traffic at a very low cost. Unlike other forms of advertising where its unclear if your advertising achieved anything with Google AdWords you can track your results. You can track your ROI (return on investment) penny by penny.
Some Things To Know:
- Google is so popular because they always provide a positive user experience by giving users highly relevant results. It is very important to Google that your ad and landing page should be applicable to what the user is looking for. This matters more than your bid. Unlike ad agencies Google is not only motivated by profit. (Although they aren't either immune to it.) They aren't ready to compromise just because your bid is very high.
- Because relevancy is so important Google rewards ads with a high CTR (click through rate) by placing them higher on the page even without a higher bid.
- Dumping all your keywords into one ad group isn't smart. It is highly unlikely that one ad could be a perfect match to a large group of diverse keywords. You have a much better chance for your ad to get a high page ranking if you divide your keywords into small groups of related keywords with different ads to match each set of keywords. Again it is a matter of relevancy.
It takes some time getting to know how to use Google AdWords effectively. But the results are worth it. Get to know the AdWords interface. Learn from the tutorials Google provides. Again and again online marketers realize that advertising with Google AdWords is the way to go. Advertising the way we know it has definitely changed.
Bea Gold is a part time working mom who is excited with the work at home opportunities available on the internet. She recently began her online business and is committed to helping others enjoy the freedom that comes with making money online.

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