Saturday 7 July 2012

Make Money Online - How to Start an Internet Based Business - Many Models and Lots of Examples

Online Business Models
1. Affiliate Marketing:
The idea is to sell someone Else's products for a commission. The upside of this online business model is that you have access to the best brands available, you can sell products you personally use and believe in. One other benefit to affiliate marketing is you do not need to source products and establish relationships with distributors.
The two best programs in my opinion are and Commission Junction ( If you are going to use the affiliate online business model, be sure to make use of the instructional tutorials, and join in the forum discussions.
Would you like to sell the newest Kindle, or Flat screen TV's? Simply write or blog about these topics, create traffic, and then paste the code they provide you on your page, If someone clicks the link and buys the product, you will get a check for your commission.
Free Popular Blogging Platforms: Blogger and WordPress
2. Publishing:
The idea is similar to a magazine, you write about a topic, create a readership / traffic, and then sell advertising on the pages. To put ads on your site without having to sell the ads, I recommend the Google AdSense program. It is a free program that is easy to use, you simply paste the code they give you onto your web page, and Google will put relevant ads on your site. Google gives you like 80% of what the click is worth. If you write about mesothelioma Cancer, a click could be worth $80.00. Believe me though when I say, you will be competing heavily for that traffic!
3. The E-Commerce Model:
This is similar to operating a regular off-line store, except that with off-line stores you are competing for traffic by geographical location, and online you are competing for traffic on search engines.
Some people have been successful with drop shippers, the upside is that you do not have to handle the warehousing and shipping, but the products tend to cost more than if you bought them in bulk and handled your own warehousing and shipping.
Being original and selling products that do not have a lot of competition is your best bet. There are still plenty of untapped niche' markets. The rest of this article discusses how to discover a product to bring to market.
Marketing 101
No matter what online business model you decide on, the key to your success will be lots of traffic to your web-pages. The more visitors you can pump through your website the better. In the brick and mortar (off-line business) world, location is everything. If you were going to open a Pizza shop, all things being equal, would you open it near a college or on a rural street in the middle of nowhere? Build it where demand is high and supply is low.
On the Internet market place, things / products are described and searched for a lot of different ways. These words typed in to search engines are the key to your success and aptly named Keywords.
So you need a tool to discover keyword phrases typed into Google that have demand, and not a lot of competition. There is such a tool and it's free. Google made it and makes it available to anyone. I liken keyword research to mining for gold. Once you discover a untapped market, or a market with only a few vendors, you can set up shop and reap the whirlwind.
I have not provided a link to the tool in this article but you can find it by searching the keywords "Google Keyword Tool" in any popular search engine.
AdWords account users (an free online advertising program from Google) get unlimited access to this tool. If you are going to sign up for AdWords, keep in mind you can get a free hundred dollars worth of advertising if I set up the account for you. Call me or visit my website to learn more.
Online Advertising - Backlinks
If your website has a keyword theme, looks decent, and has products available, all you need is traffic to the pages. You will need back links to get your website ranked highly in the search engines where online businesses get real exposure.
A back link is simply a click-able link that takes someone from where they are, to your website. The reason I wrote this article and had it published on a highly ranked website with traffic was to get the link at the bottom that says; "SEO Massachusetts" which leads you to my website. I want to sell online advertising consulting and various other services like SEO and PPC.
Search engine crawl the web indexing links, If it discovers for example that the majority of links that say; "SEO Massachusetts" lead to my website, my website will be ranked highly on the search engines for that phrase. Boom Traffic!
Written by Michael Kern - President and CEO of Inform Local an Online Advertising and Marketing Consultant. Products include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC). Visit our website to learn more here SEO Massachusetts

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