Sunday 8 July 2012

Making Money Through Advertising Online

If you have been brainstorming ways to start making money online, you are not alone. More and more consumers are finding that by creating and maintaining the right types of websites, they are able to make money in their spare time, or even turn this into a primary source of income. However, to get started with this new money making process, you will need to find the right type of online help and support network, particularly if you have no prior background in this field. It's not necessary to earn a marketing or advertising degree to start putting some simple programs into place, for example.
One of the top ways to make money online is through online advertising. On the internet, there are countless companies that wish to sell their products or services to the world. On the other hand, there are similarly countless consumers that are out there trying to find these products or services, with the use of search engines as their main tool of choice. If you step in as the intermediary, and manage to provide a platform for the companies to advertise on, you will be providing online help and also find a way to be paid for your efforts.
Getting started with this type of process begins with creating your own website. You may need some online help for this if you have never had a personal or business site before. Some people will choose to pay for professional help with their copywriting and graphic design, while others will use templates that are provided by a number of blogging platforms. Taking a tutorial or attending a seminar online can also help you with ideas to make your site stand out. You will need to make it focused enough so that it is easily searched for in search engines as well, or no one will find it.
After you have this basic platform or home base in place, you will then need to think about how to sign up for advertising. Some programs will do this automatically for you, but they may be better than others. You should seek out online help for guidelines regarding which are the best systems at the moment. One way in which you can stay up to date with this type of information is through reading forums and bulletin boards, to supplement the knowledge that you gain through various workshops or other online programs.
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Online Earning Opportunities

No other business in history has related the world and brought men and women together such as the Internet. It's accelerated the rate at which info is transmitted worldwide and truly globalized trade through e-commerce. The interaction channels opened up by the Web have made it a method for business outsourcing, supplying millions with online earning options. Anyone who wants to create a supplementary income source with regard to himself, usually takes advantage of these types of opportunities.
Best On-line Earning Options
Offering self-employed jobs grew to be easier using the introduction with the Internet. Organizations can access the worldwide expertise pool simply by advertising jobs online. Here are several of the best ways of creating online income sources by yourself.
Translation Work opportunities
If you get expertise in just about any foreign language, you can work as a freelance translator. There are lots of websites where translation efforts are offered. Due to the variety of different languages that are spoken worldwide, there are many assignments available throughout the year pertaining to online translators. We have known many freelance linguists who earn handsomely simply by handling these assignments which typically feature short deadlines.
Freelance Writing For Websites
The Internet is made up of billions of web pages which serve information on various subjects. They need high quality content, the single most important attribute that catches the attention regarding readers and search engines. It's made 'Content Writing' to be one of the most sought after and high paying online careers. So if you have a very writing ability, check out web sites offering article writing assignments.
Compose a Blog and Earn By means of Advertisement Packages
One more online earning opportunity lies in composing your own blog site or developing your own site. Create unique content and sign up with online advertising packages to generate profits through their particular 'cost per click' versions. Relevant advertisements are placed in your website, after you submit that to an internet advertising program. While users go through the ads, they generate earnings through your internet site.
Making Money Reading through Online Surveys
One of many simplest ways of getting money on the web is by doing online surveys to generate income. There are many internet sites that offer you an opportunity to build an income, by letting an individual participate in this sort of surveys.
Build a YouTube Channel With Initial Content
One of the most creative means of earning money online is by making original video tutorials and importing them over a YouTube station of your own. In the event you attract enough visitors plus your videos recognition, you can sign up for the Youtube. com 'Partnership' program, that can generate revenue for you, via contextual ads.
Info Entry Careers
Many students and also homemakers have got advantage of on-line data access jobs made available from many websites. Such as filling kinds and other information about a contract foundation.
Work as an independent Programmer & Website design company
If you are an experienced web designer or core coder, you can be a freelance engineer and artist. There are many internet sites, where freelance programming assignments are offered. You can take up careers on a contractual schedule and earn a decent amount of income.
These were the best online generating opportunities you could take advantage of. For those who have talent and also skill, internet sites are willing to shell out top dollar for your work. As far as e-commerce and online outsourced workers of jobs is concerned, this is simply the beginning. As time passes, as more and more netizens will certainly prefer to use the Internet for business, we will see a rapid boost in the number of on-line jobs offered.
Eric Benson is an online blogger and currently manages Bisaya Money Maker.
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Online Marketing and Interstitials

Internet advertising has been gaining popularity ever since the launch of the Internet. Being an easy way to reach an audience, it enables a company to extend its reach to potential buyers across the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
There are many different ways to advertise online. Depending on your aim, target audience and your online advertising budget you can opt for either one method of online advertising or a combination of several methods.
One of the popular methods of online advertising is 'Interstitial Advertising'. Interstitial adverts or bride adverts are usually small pop-up boxes or web pages, which open up (rather, pop open) mysteriously while you are browsing the Internet. Since they open by themselves, the viewer is kind-of forced to view them (unless a pop-up blocker is already installed and enabled on your computer); however, you can close them if you are not interested in such ads. As a result you are sure that your message would get across to the target audience. So, in this way they provide your money's worth.
Interstitials are widely used by many advertisers but it is also true that many people consider them a nuisance. However, if interstitials are prepared in an interesting and eye-catching manner they will succeed in catching the attention of the audience without acting as a nuisance.
It is important that you carefully choose the website on which your interstitial would pop up or else the very purpose of your interstitial will be defeated. Moreover, your interstitial should be attractive and interesting enough to hold the attention of the viewer or else the viewer will simply close the interstitial and move on. So, like other types of online advertisements, it becomes essential that you build the 'right content' and the 'right look' for your interstitial.
The key to making a good interstitial is to make sure that you use bright colors. Follow good color schemes because that is what would attract the attention initially. Also make sure that the content is short and precise and gives the basic information about your product. Your message (the ad content) should be crisp and clear and to the liking of your target audience.
Bruce Valentine runs several Strong Web Directories [] and he also has a Make Money Online blog. Make sure to check it out.
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Do it Yourself Online Marketing - Small Business Owners Can Save Thousands!

Today's fast and ever growing internet has opened up so many avenues for business owners...that it's hard to even know where to begin an online marketing campaign. But you can Do It Yourself with Online Marketing and you DO have to start somewhere!
The old days of "print" advertising are quickly being replaced with the "new economy" that is developing on the internet.
Print and paper advertising is still around and still being used...but no way in the capacity that it was just a few short years ago...and that's because our society has gone paperless!
We're all about recycling and saving the trees. When was the last time that you actually wrote a note to someone...don't you just text or email? What about writing a check? Online banking is a huge saver of time, paper and postage stamps...shame on you... if you are still paying your bills by snail mail...get with the times!
In the last tens years alone, the number of internet users in the world has grown from approximately 249 Million to 1,650 Million. That's HUGE growth...and it continues to expand on a daily basis!
And this is why...if you are a business owner...and you are NOT marketing your business are definitely losing out on a lot of potential business!
When people go shopping for something...or they need information before they buy...they don't go to the Yellow Pages...they hit the search engines on the internet to get the info they are looking for. It's quick, it's easy, it's there and they don't get their fingers dirty from some messy newspaper type of advertising.
Knowledge is the KEY to having a successful online marketing campaign. This knowledge will save you THOUSANDS of dollars! And, yes you can Do It Yourself and save tons!
You see, with the availability of the internet and the easy accessibility to videos, tutorials, audio recordings, blogs, articles...etc...the information is ALL available to anyone who wants to take the time to educate themselves and learn new skills that can be applied online for marketing purposes...and as a business owner...YOU WANT to learn these skills!
Why pay some big, old marketing company THOUSANDS of dollars to promote your business online...with the right CAN do this yourself. Yes, it's going to take some time and a little effort on your part...but the rewards are well worth it...and it's knowledge that you will be able to use for years to come...because the internet is NOT going anywhere. If anything, the internet is becoming a larger part of our society and everyone's daily way of life.
Here are a few of the FREE ways that you can do it yourself and market your business online:
The social networks are big right now: Face Book, Twitter and Linked-In (just to name a few)
Also free are: Blogging, Article Marketing, Press Releases, Video Marketing, Squidoo, Forum Marketing and free classifieds.
All of the forms of marketing listed above are FREE... Learn how to Do It Yourself Online Marketing.
And, of course, there are also paid ways of online advertising such as PPC (pay per click) for search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo...etc...banner ads, ezine advertising (online magazines) and classifieds...just to name a few.
It's time to ditch that old dinosaur mentality...and learn some new skills for a changing market!
Janice J. Charles is an active Real Estate Professional with 20 years in the industry and she is also an online Internet Marketing Pro and Mentor.
Her passion is teaching Business owners and Self-employed people how to market their businesses online THEMSELVES without spending a fortune. You can meet and learn more about her at:
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Online Marketing and the Mentor Factor

Online marketing is becoming one of the biggest advertisement fields in the world. It is universally loved because of the ability to reach all people at any hour, the ability to offer several different kinds of marketing in one place, and the reduced price in comparison to other marketing methods. Every business should have at least a couple of marketing strategies that include marketing online.
Marketing online is not what is once was. Things have changed and improved until the marketing scene is almost unrecognizable. No longer are all advertisements completely text or banner based. There are interactive advertisements, display advertisements, and advertisements that are hidden in the very words on a site. There are many great places where advertisements can be purchased and developed. Many businesses base their whole business strategy on marketing for other companies online. All of this information just emphasizes the importance of online marketing.
If someone is not familiar with the technological world, it can be hard to know where to start with online marketing. In reality, anyone can market online. Some people will even provide mentoring to help companies new to the technological field of advertising realize their full online advertising potential. These mentors work with businesses to get them current with every online trend and marketing medium. It is possible to find these mentors both online and offline. Other businesses may be aware of mentors in this area. It is also possible to find tutorials and other mentoring information online.
For people who are familiar with online advertising and marketing techniques, it is a good idea to consider becoming a marketing mentor. It is a great way to bring in a little extra money while helping others. All it takes is a little knowledge and advertising. Businesses need to receive this information, but many of them do not have the time to investigate it for themselves. With so many different advertising mediums it can be difficult for individuals to know where to start. Being a marketing mentor is a great way to guide people toward the right advertising path to take for their company.
We provide mentoring and guidance to help entrepreneurs improve their business results by learning advanced marketing strategies and success mindset. To learn more about online marketing, visit us right away:
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Two Tips to Start Promoting Your Business Online

Everyone is trying to promote their business online - from the mom-and-pop retailer to the big-name brands like Macy's and Sony. Don't be discouraged by the deluge of promotions and options out there. This article is not a do-it-all guide, but it will offer you some key points on how to get started.
1. Identify Your Market- Do They Use Facebook or Craigslist?
The above is not an either/or, but it's an example of the way you should be thinking as a business owner. Identifying your market is always difficult, but if you've already done this, you'll know where on the internet you're going to want to spend a majority of your time and money. One of the rages in today's digital world is "social media". While it's necessary for you (yes, necessary!) to have a Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, don't go overboard. Keep in mind that the majority of Facebook users are savvy youths who are keenly aware that they are being advertised to. If your services and products are for 15-28 year old's, Facebook ads and promotions are a good place to explore. If your services and products are for those in their 30s-60s, Craigslist is a cheaper alternative. Online advertising is expensive, and in order to use this money wisely, it's going to be best for you to target where you will get the most bang for your buck.
2. Learn Basic HTML
This is, believe it or not, easier than it seems. Take a tutorial. The reason for this is that you're going to want to start generating landing pages for your sales and services. What is a landing page? Go to Craigslist, look in financial services, and click on one of the links. Generally, these pages will show up in the ad or pop-up when you click it. A landing page is basically a sales page that is looking to entice your audience to learn more. Design your landing page according to your target market. For teens, something flashier is necessary. For adults, something more streamlined will do the trick. Again, you don't have to go overboard with HTML. There are plenty of free tutorials online. Most landing pages simply need a few images, color, and a title to pique interest.
These two tips go hand in hand. You're going to start marketing. And good marketing is going to start with landing pages that are directly targeted to your audience. Unlike the luxury of a TV commercial or print ad, you're going to have to be extremely specific. There are millions of people marketing online. Get started with these two tips and you will be ahead of the game.
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Top 10 Steps to Make a Website and Start Making Money Online

So you want to make money online? Ya so does everyone else, millions and millions. Because of this, it is very difficult to actually find a system to follow that makes you money. 95% of "make money" programs are scams. It is very difficult to find a real product that genuinely shows you how to make money working from home. I have comprised a top 10 list of proven steps needed in order to make money online. They are pretty simple to follow and will give you results.
1. Find a product to market.
What interests you? What are your hobbies? A good place to start looking for products is Clickbank, Signing up is free and very easy. After you have your login info you need to click on the "Sell Products" tab and then click "Marketplace" and start searching for products. Once you search through the Clickbank Marketplace, be sure to find products that offer good affiliate programs. An example would be say you want to promote organic dog food. You find a few sites that offer this. You need to first click on the actual site and browse through it. Is it appealing? Is it convincing? You also need to make sure they have a great affiliate program. Links for affiliates are usually at the bottom of the page. If they offer pre-made emails, banners, links, PPC ads, etc. for their affiliates then it is obviously a great product to promote. Follow this rule of thumb and you can't go wrong.
2. Get a hosting account.
When it comes to getting a hosting account, you have a few options at different price ranges. Personally, I prefer HostGator . You can get a website for as little as $4.95 per month, which is very cheap. GoDaddy also offers fairly cheap rates. If you want to shop around there are plenty to choose from just by typing in "domain hosting" into a search engine.
3. Get an FTP program.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and it is necessary in order to create a website. I personally use smartftp, They offer a free 30 day trial. If you are like most newbies you have no idea what FTP is or how to even use it. Luckily there are videos on how it works on the website. You can also go to YouTube and type in "smart ftp" and tutorials will pop up. If you really want detailed videos on exactly what to do visit my website and it will tell you how. The one key to running any ftp program is the public html file. That is the only file you will ever use, publichtml.
4. Get a program to create a webpage.
Personally, I use NVU,, because it is free. Many use DreamWeaver, which is very confusing or Microsoft Frontage, which not everyone has on their computer and can cost hundreds. Stick with NVU. Again, you probably have no idea how to use this program but luckily there are videos on how to use it on the website. They are easy to understand, you will be fine.
5. Create your squeeze page.
Go back to the product you decided to market. Click on the webpage and copy as much as you can from the webpage. You are going to create a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a webpage that captures leads, which equals sales. You want your squeeze page to look very similar to the actual website. Example, say you are promoting, which is an actual ClickBank product. Click on the site, and copy as much info as you can. Meaning, highlight the pictures, text, anything that you want, and right click "copy". Next, go to your NVU blank webpage and click "paste". It is as simple as that. You want testimonials, images, text, anything that is convincing. You can even copy audio! It's actually quite amazingly simple and easy.
6. Get an auto-responder.
You need an auto-responder to capture leads and start making residual income. I use GetResponse. This is the only auto-responder programs I've used so I cannot comment on the others, however GetResponse is great. It is very affordable and very easy to set-up. Like the programs listed above, there are many sources, such as videos, to help you understand how to use an auto-responder. No need to fret if you have no idea where to begin. Now, you need to offer your visitors some sort of incentive so they will sign up for your list. For example, I offer a free e-book on blogging when my visitors sign up for my newA free eBook is a great incentive because it is easy and everyone loves free information!
You set your auto-responder to day 0 so the eBook is delivered immediately once the visitor inserts their name and email address. That message should read something like this... "[[firstname]], Thanks for signing up for (your newsletter name). Attached is your free e-book on the secrets of the millionaire bloggers. Stay tuned for more tips on blogging and internet marketing!" It's that easy. Make sure to link the actual product page from your autoresponder. Once your visitors click "submit" and submit their name and email address it will automatically direct them to the actual product site. So if you were promoting once your visitor clicked "submit" it would re-direct them to You can easily set this up and there are videos that show you how.
7. Find relevant and insightful information to give your readers.
You want to give your readers new content at least once a week. Start off by giving them free information that is useful and relevant to your campaign. For example, if your campaign is titled "Dog Food Secrets" start off by offering your readers some tips on how to feed your dog, or how to train your dog to bark when hungry. You can find this by using search engines. Anything will work, as long as your readers are receiving free info without buying anything. After they have gained your trust you can start making some money by promoting products. Example, "[[firstname]], I just found this new organic dog food for small dogs and my dog loves it! It not only gives her more energy but it's proven to improve their teeth!" That is just a dumb example, but you get my point. Article directories, such as this one, are also very good information sites.
8. Find relevant affiliate programs to promote to your readers.
You can do this by going back to ClickBank and searching for more products or you can simply use search engines. Use Google or Yahoo, or whatever search engine you prefer to type in your subject. For example, if you want to find organic dog bones to promote, try typing in "organic dog bone affiliate" or "organic dog bone promote." Sign up for their affiliate program, and start putting in your link into your emails.
9. Start promoting your website and get some traffic!
This is the toughest part of making money online. Advertising! There are many ways of advertising, one including PPC advertising, which is probably the most efficient, however it does cost money. Your budget is up to you but if you want to start generating traffic quickly, start making PPC ads. If you followed my earlier instructions and chose a wonderful affiliate product to promote then these ads are already made up for you. All you have to do is copy and paste them into the actual ads. You will probably receive the most traffic through Google AdWords, however this is definitely the most expensive PPC program because it receives the most traffic. Personally, I like Yahoo Search Marketing. MSN also has a pretty cheap advertising program but I see more traffic through Yahoo and it is a fraction of the price of Google AdWords. There are various other free ways to promote your product. You can find programs that show you how or you can search for other ways. Try using YouTube to find free videos on how to receive free traffic. There are endless ways, you just have to decide whether you want to spend time or money promoting your website.
10. Do steps 1-9 all over again but with a different product.
The more squeeze pages you have, the more money you will make.
To find more details on steps 1-10 check out the System G website. Not only will you find detailed step-by-step tutorials but learn how the internet marketers make their millions. What none of them will teach you: How to make your own product. It's worth 5 minutes of your time
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How to Use Craigslist to Promote Your Online Money Making Business

Craig Newman created Craigslist in 1995 in the San Francisco Bay area for listing local jobs. This is useful tool for moneymaking businesses. The charge rates of Craigslist advertisements are low. This reduces the capital-investment in business ventures. In 2007, the rates for Craig Newman's classified listings were $75 per advertisement in the San Francisco Bay area, and $25 in places like New York, San Diego, Chicago and Boston.
The rates vary in different areas because the focus of the advertisements is primarily local. It depends on the socio-economics of a particular locality. In Calcutta's southern fringes, the Craigslist-publications charge Rs.100-200 per advertisement. Some online Craigslist agencies, even allow free ad-entries in the portals online. A single Craigslist entry may get a grocery store hundreds of clients from the locality, and the cyber-platform gives local business a global exposure. But if one has a new shop in the area, someone may walk into it any day without even seeing its online advertisement. But traders exist in the invisible, virtual realm. So, Craigslists become essential for their publicity, given the economic viability of these classifieds as well as their worldwide reach.
These days many people are running online tutorial, e-greetings and courier services. Since these enterprises are run online, all that a trader needs to do is post a hyperlink in the Craigslist, and the customer can just click on the link to contact him. The online trade and the Craigslist function in the same virtual domain. So it gets easy for both the consumer and the seller to communicate. In other words, Craigslists not only advertise particular services or products, but also give customers direct access to the same through the hyperlinks in advertisements. But one should be careful while selecting the keywords in Craigslists, because the advertisement has to be unique among a crowd of similar entries. The keywords should be straightforward enough to lead users searching for particular services in a particular area in the right direction. So, the locality and the name of the product should be clearly mentioned. Concise price-catalogues in the advertisements can also help customers compare and choose items, without moving an inch.
Also, the cyberspace may contain multiple entries of the same kind of product. So, one should be as specific and accurate as possible about his location so that customers can easily locate the trader. It is best to provide one's email-id, which is unique and more reliable than telephone connections. Craigslists are helpful because they could contain advertisements of many small business ventures, even though it is not conventional and hence does not find a place in regular classifieds of dailies. It can even be advertisements for blind dates or social-skill tutorials.
To learn more about highly profitable Marketing strategies that really work and Eric's latest opportunity visit
Eric Cole is well known as one of the top offline and online 'six figure income' earners in the United States and United Kindgom. Eric also works closely with entrepreneurs from around the world and is also an 'in demand' consultant to new and established mlm and direct marketing companies. Eric devotes most of his time and effort into helping average people to have wealth, success and time freedom in their lives.

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Saturday 7 July 2012

10 Ways to Advertise Online (and Where to Get Started)

Most business owners fully understand that not advertising is the surest way to kill your business.
However they are also bombarded by so much information and so many choices they quickly lose track of what options are available to them.
There are a number of cheap and easy online advertising options available to you.
1. Ezine Advertising
Ezine advertising is one of the best ways to reach your future customers because it is often inexpensive and flexible as well as offering you the option to match the ezine audience with your product and ad. It also often offers a double benefit--your initial ad plus longevity in the ezine archives.
2. Text Links
This simple tool is often overlooked by many. It is simply one of the least expensive and yet most powerful advertising option available. You can often buy text links for under $10 and the link will not only promote the specific site or page you choose but also connect it with the specific key words that will benefit you the most.
Text links also provide a double bonus. You can attract immediate traffic from the host site as well as achieve better search engine ranking which will further increase traffic.
3. Pay per click advertising
Just like it sounds pay per click advertising is simply paying for specifically targeted traffic. You can monitor and control these advertising programs very closely and tweak your ad copy and the key words that you are sponsoring. This can be a very expensive option but doesn't have to be if you plan carefully and watch closely.
4. Email marketing
Despite ever-increasing vigilant attempts to stop spam, we all know that email marketing is still alive and well. While it is foolish in the extreme to risk your business, web host, or internet connection, by sending out spam you can still use email marketing as a way to reach out and touch your customers and your future customers.
You just need to make sure that no one receives mail except the people who ask for it. People are still willing to sign up for mailing lists--especially if you have something to offer them in return for sharing their email address. Sponsor a contest; give away an article, ebook, or tutorial; or offer a discount and you will have people sign up willingly.
Then if you don't abuse the mailing list you will have the opportunity to reach them again and again!
5. Banner Ads
Banner ads have a bad reputation. In part because of the proliferation of banner farms that killed all the banner swap programs (or at least made them completely ineffectual). Also we all have memories of those hideous banners flashing across the top of so many web sites.
Banners have come along way since then and a cleverly designed banner can be a real asset to any advertising campaign. Also don't forget that you don't have to use one of those big giant banners that span the width of the screen. You can use smaller simple ads that can fit easily into the sidebar or special box on a web site so they can suit the design and work more effectively.
It is also important that you pay close attention to what sites you will choose for displaying your banner. IE. A site about web development for your web hosting service ad or a site about parenting for your ad promoting your potty training book.
Many text link and pay per click advertising vendors also offer the option of banner ads. Similarly many ezine and newsletter publishers sell space on their sites.
~~ Sell Your Knowledge ~~
These next five advertising methods are all free or relatively inexpensive because you are trading something of value -- your knowledge and expertise -- in return for advertising.
6. Publish a Newsletter
Creating your own regular newsletter or ezine offers you all the advantages of ezine advertising and email marketing offered above.
7. Publish a Blog and RSS Feed
While publishing a newsletter or ezine isn't that difficult it is much easier to create a blog and make its content available via RSS feed. This can offer you the benefits of regularly updated material for your web site which will be attractive to visitors and search engines alike. It will also help establish you as an expert in your field.
I personally like using WordPress on your own site but many web hosts now offer blogging services and there are many free blogging sites around where you can create a blog on their site.
8. Write Articles
Take some of the material you have generated for your newsletter and/or blog and share it with others. Make it available in one of the many free content directories available on the web. This not only helps to establish your credibility but the contact info you provide in your resource box (which will run every time someone else publishes your material) will bring in both direct traffic as well as search engine attention.
9. Create an Ebook
Once you have enough material generated from your newsletter and blog then you can package it into a convenient eBook and give it away. Make sure to collect names and email addresses and offer a coupon or discount to bring people back to your site!
10. Post in Forums
If you have the time you should start your own forum but even if you only have a few minutes a week to spare for this effort then it can be well worth the effort. Don't offer blatant spam posts but find a forum where you have something to offer. Make sure that you include an appropriate url and description for your forum signature and you will attract the double benefit of traffic and search engine attention!
No successful advertising campaign embraces one single method of advertising and no single method of advertising works for everyone. Advertising cannot be treated as a one-size-fits all proposition. However you know what your business needs and can offer--mix and match methods and make sure to track your results--to optimize your choices.
Deanna Mascle considers herself a Renaissance Woman Online. She established her presence on the net in 1999 with her first web sites and ezines. Today she publishes 4 Ezines and 3 newsletters, maintains more web sites than she likes to admit, and operates four internet enterprises. Read her free tutorial "7 Steps To Establish Your Epresence" and the full version of this article at []. You can learn about more advertising opportunities online by joining her Ad Club.

Online Marketing - Pay Per Click Marketing

Pay Per Click Marketing is the fastest way of to drive traffic to your web site, period. The three big pay per click sites that we recommend are as follows and they are in this order for a reason with Google being at the top.
Google is the main pay per click marketing search engine. There are other places that you can market on pay per click. The three major search engines are Google, Yahoo, and MSN, but Google controls most of the market.
How Does Pay Per Click Work?
Pay Per Click works by you selecting keywords that are related to your business, product, or service.
1. You choose keywords or key phrases
2. You bid on those keywords or key phrases to get them seen
3. Google determines which ads to show
So how do you get your ads seen?
1. Write a great ad (great copy writing is a key factor in all marketing)
2. Bid the right amount
3. Make your ad relevant to your keywords as well as your website
I do not want to make it sound to easy but it's really is not that difficult to get your ads seen when you know what you are doing. To many people rush to get their ads out on Google and do not do the proper research, or work with experienced marketers and coaches.
You can apply the strategies you use for Google to Yahoo and MSN. Google's pay per click program is called Ad Words. There is a difference between "natural" searches" the search results that appear on the left-hand side of the search page and the "paid" search results that appear on the top and right-hand side. Where The Results Are Found
How Search Engines Work
When someone types in a search term, it goes to the Google web server. Google processes the search through both the Search Index servers (natural) and the Ad Word (pay per click) servers as well as the Google web document server before displaying the results, which appear as in the image above.
A Google AdWord can be likened to a three-line classified ad that appears in a newspaper âEUR" except that instead of reaching a small audience of classified ad readers, you have the opportunity to reach millions of people by marketing this way on the internet. You get charged every time someone clicks each time someone clicks on your pay per click advertising.
When you are writing these ads, you have a limited number of words and characters. That's why it's so important that you know who your target market is and what keywords you should be using to attract them, so that you get the most out of your three lines on the right-hand side and generate real leads. The ads should be attractive to your target market.
Pay Per Click Definitions
Maximum Cost Per Click" Maximum per click bid you are willing to pay Impressions" The number of times your pay per click ad has been viewed Click" The number of times your ad has been clicked Cost per Click âEUR" The average price per click you actually paid CTR (Click-Through Rate)" Amount of times an ad has been viewed/Amount of times an ad has been clicked Creative" Advertisement being distributed
Why Google?
The reason your focus should be on Google versus other search engines is that the majority of people use Google for their searches. Google holds nearly 70% of the market share; if you're not advertising on Google, you might as well not bother advertising. Google is where you want to start.
Google also has the most searches, but they also have the most tutorials to help you use their AdWords tools successfully. Google is flexible, offers the fastest service for campaign and editorial review, and the most features and parameters for ad distribution. You can get your ad up and running very fast. Some of the others, like Yahoo and MSN, have a longer, more drawn out process for getting your ad approved.
How Pay Per Click Works Pay per click is a keyword bidding system. You're going to establish your target market and what your target market it. Then you will generate keywords or key phrases that pertain to your target market. When you put those keywords and key phrases into Google AdWords, you'll be able to bid on those keywords and key phrases. Depending on your bid and the relevance of your website and the popularity of your ad, your ad will appear further up in the rankings on the pay per click ads and determine your position.
You'll be able to analyze the performance of your Pay Per Click ads by looking at the metrics on your Google account. It will show you your keywords and keyword phrases, your bids, your impressions, your clicks, your CTRs, and your average cost per click. You can run more than one ad at the same time marketing the same keywords to test which one works better and earns a better click-through ratio. If you're testing two ads, give them at least a week. Make sure there's a decent volume running through them. By testing ads this way, you come up with very effective ads. Once you develop an ad that works, throw away the non-performing ad and then develop another one to test against the winning ad. You might be surprised âEUR" some ads that you think are home-run winners might not work at all, and ones you don't think will do well do great. Use the Google tutorials, too. They can really help.
Creating Your Ad
Your ad needs to grab your target market. You have very few words and characters to get their attention. Use your keywords in your headline. For example, if you are marketing sports equipment, and your keyword is sports equipment, use the phrase sports equipment in the top line. Talk about the benefits of your product or service in the second line and put a call to action in the third line.
The first line has to be able to draw your target's attention and contain words you know they are looking for. The second line has to make them believe that clicking on the link will benefit them. The third line should clinch the deal, so to speak, and tell them to come visit your site or squeeze page. You really want to get the person to click on your ad and come to your site.
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When you are designing your ad, remember you are trying to target your specific market, the people who are looking for you and what you have to offer. You don't want to waste money by bringing people to your site who have no interest in what you provide; you have to take the time to understand your target market and develop appropriate keywords before designing your ad.
Once you have created your ad, you need to set the parameters of the ad and where you want it to run. Google allows you to distribute your ad locally, nationally, or internationally. You can choose what languages the ad runs in, what days the ad runs. You can set a budget for the ad and even choose what networks your ad is shown on.
As you set up your Google pay per click (PPC) account, the parameters you set will help you drive in more highly targeted traffic, give you more control over your budget, more control over your money âEUR" your money is being better spent. It saves you money to do this. Targeting by country âEUR" I do this; you can select which countries you want to market to, and even what cities and regions.
This is a huge tool. Let's say you are a mortgage broker or real estate agent; you can target your ads only to the areas in which you work. All of your leads will be coming from those areas. You can actually put in a latitude and longitude and get very specific about who you target.
Why Should I Use Pay Per Click?
-You are in control of how much traffic you get and how much you pay for it.
-You can get targeted traffic to your site quickly
-No long-term commitment - you can start and stop anytime with a click of a button
- You only pay when someone clicks your ad and comes to your site
- Ability to get your site exposure at the expense of others
- You can compete with bigger companies
- You can be better at PPC than bigger companies the playing field is level
- By gaining traffic through your PPC, you can get a better idea of which keywords you should optimize (SEO)
How to Set Up Your Google AdWords Account
1. Go to and click on advertising programs
2. Click on Google AdWords
3. Click start now
4. Choose the standard edition and click continue
5. Choose the language you want your ad to come in, and
6. Choose where you want to advertise: countries and territories, regions and cities, or custom; click continue
7. Choose which specific areas you want to add to your locations, then continue
8. Create your ad. Take your time.
a. Note that the maximum number of characters (that is letters and spaces together) in your headline cannot exceed 25 and the two description lines can only have 35 characters.
b. Use Google's keyword tool to determine keywords to use in your headline.
c. Your keyword should be in your headline and in one of the description lines.
d. The display URL is the link that will be displayed. It doesn't have to be the actual URL with the www
e. Your destination URL, however, has to have the www
f. Before clicking continue, click on the link to make sure it works properly.
9. Choose your keywords. If it's your first campaign, use just a few keywords to start out with. These keywords should pertain to your business and be highly specific to your target market. Click continue.
10. Choose your budget. You can set a limit and once that limit has been reached, your ad will stop running. Also set the CPC limit the amount you are willing to pay for someone to click your ad. Try different methods paying more for CPC may move you up the ranking faster. Choose whatever budget makes you feel comfortable. Your bid for CPCs will have to be higher if it's a more competitive market, like home business, and will be less expensive if your market is something like basket weaving. Click continue.
11. Review your pay per click order. Make sure your link works. Make any changes you want to make, answer the questions, then click "continue to sign up."
12. If you already have a gmail account or use other Google services, you can use the same username and password for your PPC account. If you do not already use other Google services, it will help you set up a username and password.
Once you've set up your account, you can develop more than one ad to test. You can review the results in the Google summary (choose the "summary" tab). In the summary, you will find detailed information about the number of clicks, impressions, the CTR, the average cost per click, and other pulse-taking details about the account. You can click on the keyword tab to determine which keywords are working well for you.
TIP: Think about what your market is going to see when they run a search. Let's say they are searching for home business. Everywhere the words "home business" appear, they'll be bolded. So, the more often the search term appears in your ad, the more bold words will attract them. A little trick we use is to make sure our "display" URL has the keywords in it, even if the destination URL is something else. For example, if my keyword is home business, even if my destination URL is actually lehmanhailey dot com, in the display URL, I can add the keyword: lehmanhailey dot com/homebusiness. Now be careful when using this technique as Google has actually cracked down on this so you ad might not get approved. I know plenty of people that are still using this technique today and I actually use it on a daily basis.
I urge you to watch the Google Online Marketing tutorial videos and use the tools they offer. You can run reports on nearly anything you can imagine.
Conversion Tracking
Under the campaign management tab in your Google PPC account, you need to set up conversion tracking. In order to track conversions, you need to add code to your thank you page. You may need your web designer to help you with this if you don't understand HTML. You want the tracking code put into the thank you page, and Google has a PDF set up guide that you can use or send to your programmer so that they can do it.
To get your conversion page code, go to the campaign management tab, find the AdWord tracking box, and click "get conversion page code." This will take you to a page where you have more choices in determining what your conversion report tells you; you want to choose the box that says "lead." Click continue. It will take you to a page where you can customize, but I typically just leave the standard settings and click continue. On the bottom of the page you will find the HTML code that you need to add to your thank you page. Click inside the box and it will select all of the text. Right-click your mouse and choose copy. Paste that into an email message to your programmer or add it to your thank you page
Lehman's background is in mortgage finance. He was the owner of a mortgage company with offices in Florida and Tennessee, Licensed in 13 states, and had about 40 employees. After years of managing that many employees and working 13 hour days he decided to look for something that would allow him to spend more time with his family as well as give him a better lifestyle. In 2004 he got started in the Direct Sales industry and closed down his mortgage company. Lehman is a top 1% income earner in the Home Business Industry. He is widely recognized as one of the top trainers and has served on the Leadership Committee for two of the top Direct Sales companies in North America. His knowledge of Online Marketing has lead him to the education of others. For more information on Internet Marketing and Lehman's marketing techniques you can visit him at the links below.
Lehman Hailey Creator of

Where to Find Free Internet Marketing Video Tutorials

Google Video is a goldmine of how to video tutorials for affiliates seeking to learn Internet marketing. Its resources containing over 33,000 files on affiliate marketing from video sharing sites around the web and growing everyday. Approximately, one third of these videos originate from Youtube.
Just a small sampling would include topics like online marketing, installing WordPress, Joomla, traffic building, webhosting, email marketing and many more.
Although, some are blatant advertisements, many provide the viewer with valuable information.
There are many other video sharing sites that can be used as a resource.
But, Google Video is unique in that it has indexed all the video contained at these sites making them all available at one location.
Finding Online Marketing Tutorials On Google
You can access Google Videos from their home page. At the very top of the page click on the words more and then video, from there you can use topic specific keywords to narrow search results.
You can narrow results further by relevance, rating, popularity, date and time duration.
Weed out many of the advertisements by selecting a time duration greater than 4 minutes. This will also allow you to bring up more search results.
Time durations greater than 20 minutes will render fewer search results but they tend to be the most content rich videos.
There are three viewing options TV, list and grid.
To view videos without opening a new window select list.
A service that will allow you to stay current on topic related video is Google Alerts.
Once you sign up for this service they notify you by email.
Who Gains From Video Marketing
Available to rich and poor alike, YouTube cuts across class lines.
Gurus and amateurs use the popularity of video to teach new internet marketers strategies to build successful online businesses. If they provide good information, they can attract a loyal following.
This is a win win situation for all parties. Affiliates or new online marketers are provided with free training.
And, the video marketer through attraction marketing has a receptive audience, which can be leveraged to sell future products and services.
Tutorials Include
  • List Building: Create squeeze pages to capture email addresses.

  • Content Management: A simple domain search (ex. Wordpress for Wordpress tutorials renders over 52,000 in the search results.

  • Traffic Building Tools: Social networking, bookmarking, article writing and linkexchanges.

  • Article Writing: Creating and distributing articles to directories.

  • Website Tools: Learn about free website tools for design and graphics.

  • Google Adwords: How to set-up up and manage an AdWords account. Getting the best ROI (return on your investment). Choosing the most profitable keywords.

  • Don't Get Scammed
    The Internet runs rampant with individuals selling get rich schemes. The promise of earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day can be alluring.
    Often the promoters of these schemes know the system does not work. But, they profit from the poor unsuspecting individuals who buy the memberships, ebooks and videos they sell.
    Like fish in the sea, new Internet marketers who strive to learn the secrets of making money online are often hooked by these con artists. After diligently trying to implement training materials with little or no success, the new Internet marketer begins to doubt their ability to ever succeed in online marketing.
    Benefits Of Google and YouTube Videos
    As we all know, the written word can sometimes be confusing. Being able to see the narrator give step by step demonstrations can help increase clarity when compared to other media like ebooks and articles.
    YouTube and Google videos are an excellent research tool. Because of the massive catalogue of available tutorials you could spend countless hours-learning new and valuable information.
    Some of the videos are like mini-courses lasting an hour or more.
    If you are just beginning your journey into the world of affiliate marketing, buying expensive teaching materials may not be an option.
    YouTube and Google are a great place to find free instructional videos.
    Nick Kaplan article writer and online marketer providing resources to help work-at-home entrepreneurs learn the craft of affiliate marketing. []

    Article Source:

    Blog Posting Tutorial

    Blog Posting. Your level of writing talent does not matter nearly as much as easily learned techniques when it comes to blog posting.  This tutorial will help you write interesting postings that attract just the type of readers you desire and keep them coming back on a daily basis.
    First, decide what kind of visitors you are after (who is your target audience?).  What you write to attract parents to your site will differ from what interests their children.  Once you know your audience it becomes easier to choose topics and writing style.
    Also, you should try to write your blog posts about topics that are interesting to your target audience and that may attract new readers to your site.  Perhaps you could put a new spin on a current headline that has been recently drawing a lot of attention.  Try to write something that your readers actually want to read.
    It is best to have a specific purpose for your site. Is your goal to inform?  Are your trying to entertain your readers?  Maybe you just want to make them think?  Set the appropriate tone (serious? humorous?). With a clear purpose and appropriate tone, visitors will know right away whether your site is right for them and you will be able to give those who stay exactly what they want.
    Blog Posting. Beware the wordy site. Keep postings short and sweet. If you are too wordy new visitors will skip reading your site all together and you will soon lose the interest of your regulars.  Keep articles to a readable length.  The main thing is to hold the reader's attention through the end of your posting and entice them to return regularly.
    The most important aspect of writing a blog post are keywords.  Your post needs to be keyword rich in order to attract a large audience.  This can be accomplished using website traffic monitoring and other tools.  What keywords have been bringing readers to your site?  Which keywords will bring even more?  Also, remember to place and integrate the keywords so that the post still reads fluently and sounds as though the keywords belong in the post.
    Finally, keep your blog post unique.  No one wants to read something that they have already read on another site.  If you have read an article that had some great ideas in it, try to put your own spin on those ideas.  Keep your content fresh and unique.
    Blog Post Writing. Set a goal or purpose for your site, know your readership, and keep material current and interesting. Be brief, different from your competitors, and sprinkle keywords throughout your postings.  Follow these simple guidelines and you are sure to produce great blog postings.
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    What Makes Internet Marketing Video Tutorials So Powerful?

    In the last couple of years the Internet Marketing scene has completed a major transformation that is rapidly expanding into all phases of online marketing. Gone are the days of text-only sales pages. The new media, Internet Marketing with Video Tutorials, has moved all other means of online advertising into the back of the bus.
    Headlines and reports about the power of internet marketing and the use of video tutorials can be found all over the Web, in business journals and newspapers. The entire world is watching those videos in record numbers and there's no sign of a slowdown anytime soon.
    One recent press release by Comscore, trumpeted that the number of online videos viewed in the U.S. alone totaled 11.5 billion in March of 2008, a 13% increase over the previous month. That month, according to Comscore, nearly 139 million U.S. Internet users watched 83 videos each. The leaders in viewing sites were Google Sites (85.7 million), Fox Interactive (54.3 million), Yahoo! Sites (37.5 million) and Viacom Digital (26.6 million).
    Those numbers speak for themselves. Internet marketing with video tutorials on any subject is here to stay and will only grow exponentially as more and more Internet Marketers and "on the street" business owners drag out their camcorders. Video production software is also highly popular on giveaway promotions and as an added bonus for purchasing a One-Time-Offer (OTO). Anyone can make a video tutorial and have it online in a day. Some more experienced users report that they can have their recording rendered in to their chosen video format, uploaded and LIVE for public view within 15 minutes!
    The astounding numbers above are only part of the picture. An Internet Marketer's customer base is actually the entire world and ignoring the power of using videos to attract customers and provide useful content is definitely commercial suicide.
    One of the marketing myths making the rounds among the uninformed is that television marketing is cheaper and more cost-productive than Internet Marketing with videos. The truth of the matter is that anyone with a digital camcorder can sit in their underwear in their bedroom wearing a "clean cut" looking shirt and produce a quality video to market their product in less than an hour or two.
    Another television advertising misconception is that the bigger, brighter and more animated mega-ads will attract those online video viewers back to television viewing. Those traditional television marketers, with enough vision to see the diminishing future of television advertising, are moving to online Internet Marketing as fast as they can.
    One fact that a large number of traditional television marketers are slow to recognize is that their prime buying audience is online when they used to be watching television. They are watching Internet videos, browsing sales pages from any country on the globe, learning how to use videos on their own blogs (vblogging) and making their own internet marketing videos and tutorials as fast as they can. Blogs can be set up for free and quality software to create videos can easily be found, either for free or reasonably priced.
    The last traditional marketing concept to poke a hole in is the perceived draw of high definition television. While the spread of HD television in the U.S. is somewhere upwards of 30%, nearly 75% of the Internet is already equipped for high definition television. Broadband connections and LCD monitors are already standard equipment in any teenager's bedroom and the same is true for most of their parents too.
    When traditional television advertising agencies and their high-powered clients start focusing on the strengths of Internet Marketing videos...quality, lower productions costs, the vast numbers of their viewing audience and return on their investment...their marketing strategies will change for the better.
    In the meantime, Internet Marketing videos and tutorials created by talented amateurs will continue to spread around the globe, attracting the attention of millions of potential customers.
    The real question here is: Can a kid with a digital camcorder topple a Fortune 500 company using traditional television advertising and ignoring the Internet? The answer simply put....Hell, yes!
    400+ MRR Internet Marketing Video Tutorials
    Sign Up Today To Get Started For Only $1.00 US

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    Need Course? Internet Marketing Online University

    After struggling for over a year trying to learn how to do Internet Marketing, I stumbled across the Wealthy Affiliate University site. I read a review by a stay at home mom who was having some success and decided to take a closer look.
    If you're wanting to learn how to do Internet Marketing the RIGHT way and shorten your learning curve, Wealthy Affiliate just might be the answer.
    The Wealthy Affiliate University was developed by two college students....Carson & Kyle.............who started out learning Internet Marketing with $5 a day to spend on advertising. Today they are making $1000's of dollars.
    Their site shares all the techniques and strategies that they have used personally. It has tutorials, guides, keyword lists, and much more.
    There is an 8 week course just for the beginner that is wonderful! They take you by the hand and teach you all the internet marketing strategies! Its included free with your monthly membership.
    It definitely is a community of great people and Carson & Kyle have so much training on the site that it really is like an Internet Marketing University. They have a great forum that you can be a part of and learn some great marketing secrets from the pro's. It is a membership site and costs $29.99 a month. It is THE best way to get past the learning curve quickly and get into profit with Internet Marketing.
    Also included in your membership is a free website builder (super simple to use) and free web hosting.
    Also there is no long term can try it for one month and see how you like it......but be forwarned......there's no turning back once you've experienced Wealthy Affiliate:)!
    Ready to get started with your first lesson?
    Like to test drive Wealthy Affiliate? Visit

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    Free Advertising on the Net and Free Tools For You

    Now I'm not promoting any of these products so you will have to find them yourself on the net. I have used them all and these are the best of the best for me. You might feel differently!
    It does not have to cost you a fortune to advertise on the net. The following is a quick but helpful overview of free resources for those on a budget. If you are in small business or just an individual I am sure you will gain a lot from this report. Paid advertising can be very effective if done correctly but how do you know what is effective and what is a waste of money. The answer is you use free classified ads first to test your products and advertising. Some people never use paid advertising and sell their product or service to thousands of customers without investing a cent so don't underestimate the power of these sights. Free does not means cheap or inferior.
    The first problem you will face is information overload. There is just too much stuff to get through from writing your ad to keywords so I am going to simplify the whole process for you into logical steps.  I should ad that I have a huge online business that involves the use of all these tools and I have shown literally hundreds of people who have also become successful. As an online marketer of some years it is easy to take it for granted that you know how to do certain things. I have tried to simplify stuff so even a novice can understand this software. If you don't get it I assure you that you are no dummy and not alone in your confusion. Fortunately each software that I have mentioned comes with a help section so you can read your way out of trouble.
    Writing ads that work.
    1.       You will require a word processing program like MS Word, word pad or note pad or any other as long as you can copy and paste from it into you ad.  Basically an ad is made up of a Headline, Body copy and call to action. More on this later. Do not use the form supplied on the classified web site to write your ad because you will spend hours writing the same thing over and over again. If you don't know how to copy and paste look up your help screen and learn, it is easy. You will be placing the same ad on many different web sites so it is important to have consistency in your content as well. More on this later.
    2.       An ad must have an attention grabbing Heading or Headline. There are lots free of articles on ad writing just search Google. If you were your customer the one question you would be asking yourself is, What's in it for me?  So do not make your ad a whole list of features but talk about the benefits to the customer. Sell the sizzle before the steak.
    3.       Structure: After you have gained their attention with your heading you must keep their interest by explaining what is in it for them by talking about the benefits.
    4.       The desire stage is when you tell them what will happen if they do not purchase.
    5.       Finally the call to action. You give them specific instructions on what they must do next to get your product.
    6.       Now if you find it difficult to write an ad and let's face it we are not all talented word smiths I suggest that you check out the classified ad sites and see what others are doing. Not the free classified but the paid classified because the free classified are full of newbies.  Also don't make the mistake of thinking because you know your product you know your customer and how to write an ad to attract them. Don't be like the guy who spent over $100,000 on advertising he wrote himself only to discover that his ad was driving his customers to his opposition. Advertising copy writing is a skill and a science and it has to be learnt. There is a thing called split testing and it is 100% effective at refining your add but it takes a few weeks to do. The good news is it is all free.
    7.       This is not a tutorial on ad writing so that is all I will say at this stage.
    Web sites.
    1.       Last report was that there are over 1500 free classified ad sites.
    2.       Not all classified ads sites are the same, some are local some are international; some allow network marketers and multi level marketing some do not.
    3.       Some classified ad sites only allow text and yet others will allow you to post pictures and even videos.
    4.       All classified ad sites will give you the option to enhance your ad by paying for some extra service but at this stage don't pay for anything to anyone. If you are new at this you need at least a month to test the market with your ads. The good news is you can place an ad immediately.
    5.       All classified ad sites realize that if they are going to get you as a paying customer they must allow you to try their service for free.
    6.       Now because ad campaigns can be week's months or even years long the ad site will allow you to place you free ads for an indefinite time. They don't mind as long as traffic is coming to their site it doesn't matter to them how effective your ad really is for you.
    7.       Some ad sites will not allow you to place multiple ads, some will allow you to place 10 a day and others have no limit.
    8.       With 1500 different variations you have a lot to choose from.
    9.       The most helpful feature I find is the daily report and relists email that some sites will send you. It tells you how many people viewed your ad over what period and asks you if you want to relist or modify that ad. This can be so helpful if you are trying to perfect your ad.
    Signing up.
    This can take hours of your valuable time to sign up to the various different websites  so my first recommendation is that you download the free version of Robo Form. This program is super easy to learn and will save you hours and hours once you have filled in the initial form. In the free version you can list up to 10 different free ad sites so instead of filling out your username and password each time you want enter a site you just click your Robo form and it does the rest. If you want to you can expand the client number by investing in the paid version later.
    This is how the search engines find your ad so it is important that you have the right words listed in the section that asks for keywords. There is a free program called Free Keywords and it is very helpful in finding the right words. It takes a little bit to understand but I found that after about 2 hours I was able to generate fantastic lists and it made a real difference to the number of people coming to my ads.
    Everyone will tell you that you must track the effectiveness of your ads. Now AdtrackZGold is free to try but eventually you will have to buy it when the trial runs out. Hopefully by the time that happens it has made you enough money to pay for itself. Now this is a little more complicated but well worth the time you take to get to know how to work out where your customers are coming from. In other words it will tell you which ads are working the best for you. It is common knowledge that by simply changing a little thing on your ad you can become highly effective. If you are running an ad campaign made up of different ads on many different sites it will give you and statistical report. (It does heaps more but we are keeping this simple for you) There is absolutely no point in placing random ads all over the web, you need to be organised.
    Getting Organized
    Essential PIM Pro is a free program to help you organise your campaigns so that you know what you have placed, how long it will run and when to renew. If you are not organized you are doing yourself a great disservice and could easily miss an important detail in your campaign.
    I use IPhoto plus for making and editing my photos only because it was free in 1998 and I am used to it but if you have MS Office the chances are you will have MS Publisher or Power Point or even MS word is good for making pictures and there are hundreds of photo editing programs on the market that are free. The main feature your program must have is the ability to crop your photo, resize it and change its format to JPG. If you don't understand what I have just said look up image manipulation on the net.
    Free Clip Art
    Of course if you don't have a digital camera to take a shot of your face or a scanner is digitalize a hard copy photo you are at a disadvantage because it is all about relational marketing. People need to see an image of who they are dealing with as well as the product. This is where free clip art comes to the rescue. Word, Publisher and Power point all have free clip art and it is copyright free so you can use it in your image. If you are lucky enough to have the latest version of Power Point you will also have access to some pretty good lettering and graphics. The main thing to remember here is to only search for photos in clip art and disable clip art , movies and sound. The photo library is comprehensive and free.
    There are other websites that cost money that will supply you with images and even sites that will design your ad for you for a fee. Don't use them yet if you want to save thousands of dollars. This whole thing is a learning process and all learning takes time. I suggest you take that time and learn how to use this free stuff first to help you make a good decision when it comes to paying out good money.
    Slide Shows
    Sometimes a free classified site will ask you for the code or url or embed code for your photo or slide show or video.  So instead of just copying and pasting you have to come up with program code. No problem. There is a free program called Slide that not only converts your images to code for you to copy and paste into the website but it supplies a large range of fancy graphics to trick up your presentation.
    You can also create slide shows and enhance your videos. This is a terrific free resource for you.
    You can upload your videos (if you have them) free of charge through Tubemogal.
    This will place your video on 12 different sites and produce viewer reports. Whilst it is not strictly a fee advertising site it can produce reports on how many and who viewed your video. Its handy for split testing your video before you place it on your ad.
    Movie Maker
    This is a free piece of software for making a video. It comes with all windows operating systems under all Programs, accessories, entertainment. Whilst it is basic it is still powerful and should not be dismissed.
    The above is all you really need to run a professional ad campaign. In truth I estimate that it will take you about four months at 1 hour a day to master these programs. Most people give up or become distracted from doing anything in the first twenty one days. My formula for success is finding a buddy to do it with. That way you have someone to bounce your ideas off. I am a qualified work place trainer and what I have written above and supplied you for free has the potential to make your advertisements highly effective.  Over the years people have paid for what you have learned for free so don't take this for granted.
    Well that is it, I wish you good luck with your campaigns. I will write more on this subject later so come and  visit again in a week or two.
    Leith Drinkwater. Work Place Trainer, Coach, Mentor, Teacher and business owner.
    For more information visit.

    Article Source:

    Top 5 Free Places to Advertise Your Business Online

    Many small business owners put up a website with the expectation that they will receive a flood of new customers from the great global online marketplace that is the Internet. Inevitably they are met with doubt and disappointment when their expectations are not met. Just like a brick and mortar business, an online website must be advertised before customers will find it to purchase products and services. Read on to learn about the top 5 free places to advertise your business online.
    List Your Business on the DMOZ
    The DMOZ, or the Open Directory Project, is the best online directory your business can be listed in. Not only is it one of the most used generic directories on the internet, it's also highly regarded by Google because of the strict standards their editors uphold for listing websites. A listing in the DMOZ can help increase your Google search engine ranking over time providing your website with even greater long-term exposure.
    Create a Google Local Search Listing
    Google gets more queries each day than all of the other search engines combined. When you create a free listing for your business with Google Local Search, users close to your business will see your location marked on a map displayed prominently on the top right of their screen every time they search for terms related to your business.
    Search Engine Submission
    Many companies offer paid services to submit your website to all of the major search engines. What you probably didn't know is that you can do this yourself manually and pay nothing. There are only 5 major search engines that you desperately need to submit your website to: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft's Bing, AOL, and Ask. Others with smaller market share will probably pick up your listing in time.
    Create Content for Free Article Marketing Directories
    One of the best ways to advertise is your business online is to write articles that are directly related to your business and submit them to free article marketing directories. For example, if you own a craft store and want to sell crafting products online, create and submit a tutorial that leads readers back to your website to purchase the supplies they will need to complete the project. There are many free directories you can submit to, but EZineArticles.Com is one of the better ones.
    Blog Listing on Technorati
    Most small businesses today are keeping a blog in addition to or as a part of their business website since content rich sites tend to attract more return visitors. If your business keeps a blog, be sure to get a free listing on Technorati.
    There are many more places where businesses can advertise their websites for free online. The Top 5 free places to advertise your business should provide you with a solid start to promoting your website online. With a well advertised website, traffic and sales should increase in time.
    Lee Samson owns Samson Web Design, a company offering web design in Sussex. Samson Web Design also offers ecommerce web design, web development & bespoke websites and search engine optimisation. If you want more content for your website on this subject visit

    Make Money Online - How to Start an Internet Based Business - Many Models and Lots of Examples

    Online Business Models
    1. Affiliate Marketing:
    The idea is to sell someone Else's products for a commission. The upside of this online business model is that you have access to the best brands available, you can sell products you personally use and believe in. One other benefit to affiliate marketing is you do not need to source products and establish relationships with distributors.
    The two best programs in my opinion are and Commission Junction ( If you are going to use the affiliate online business model, be sure to make use of the instructional tutorials, and join in the forum discussions.
    Would you like to sell the newest Kindle, or Flat screen TV's? Simply write or blog about these topics, create traffic, and then paste the code they provide you on your page, If someone clicks the link and buys the product, you will get a check for your commission.
    Free Popular Blogging Platforms: Blogger and WordPress
    2. Publishing:
    The idea is similar to a magazine, you write about a topic, create a readership / traffic, and then sell advertising on the pages. To put ads on your site without having to sell the ads, I recommend the Google AdSense program. It is a free program that is easy to use, you simply paste the code they give you onto your web page, and Google will put relevant ads on your site. Google gives you like 80% of what the click is worth. If you write about mesothelioma Cancer, a click could be worth $80.00. Believe me though when I say, you will be competing heavily for that traffic!
    3. The E-Commerce Model:
    This is similar to operating a regular off-line store, except that with off-line stores you are competing for traffic by geographical location, and online you are competing for traffic on search engines.
    Some people have been successful with drop shippers, the upside is that you do not have to handle the warehousing and shipping, but the products tend to cost more than if you bought them in bulk and handled your own warehousing and shipping.
    Being original and selling products that do not have a lot of competition is your best bet. There are still plenty of untapped niche' markets. The rest of this article discusses how to discover a product to bring to market.
    Marketing 101
    No matter what online business model you decide on, the key to your success will be lots of traffic to your web-pages. The more visitors you can pump through your website the better. In the brick and mortar (off-line business) world, location is everything. If you were going to open a Pizza shop, all things being equal, would you open it near a college or on a rural street in the middle of nowhere? Build it where demand is high and supply is low.
    On the Internet market place, things / products are described and searched for a lot of different ways. These words typed in to search engines are the key to your success and aptly named Keywords.
    So you need a tool to discover keyword phrases typed into Google that have demand, and not a lot of competition. There is such a tool and it's free. Google made it and makes it available to anyone. I liken keyword research to mining for gold. Once you discover a untapped market, or a market with only a few vendors, you can set up shop and reap the whirlwind.
    I have not provided a link to the tool in this article but you can find it by searching the keywords "Google Keyword Tool" in any popular search engine.
    AdWords account users (an free online advertising program from Google) get unlimited access to this tool. If you are going to sign up for AdWords, keep in mind you can get a free hundred dollars worth of advertising if I set up the account for you. Call me or visit my website to learn more.
    Online Advertising - Backlinks
    If your website has a keyword theme, looks decent, and has products available, all you need is traffic to the pages. You will need back links to get your website ranked highly in the search engines where online businesses get real exposure.
    A back link is simply a click-able link that takes someone from where they are, to your website. The reason I wrote this article and had it published on a highly ranked website with traffic was to get the link at the bottom that says; "SEO Massachusetts" which leads you to my website. I want to sell online advertising consulting and various other services like SEO and PPC.
    Search engine crawl the web indexing links, If it discovers for example that the majority of links that say; "SEO Massachusetts" lead to my website, my website will be ranked highly on the search engines for that phrase. Boom Traffic!
    Written by Michael Kern - President and CEO of Inform Local an Online Advertising and Marketing Consultant. Products include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC). Visit our website to learn more here SEO Massachusetts

    Advertising Online - The Most Effective To The Least

    Advertising online is a wonderful way to attract many visitors to your website. It is also less expensive compared to traditional advertising methods. The most often used are...
    Pay Per Click
    This is the fastest way to generate traffic to your website. You can literally place an ad using AdWords or Yahoo Search Marketing and start receiving visitors within minutes. This form of advertising can also be costly for a beginner who is new to advertising online. AdWords has an excellent tutorial on learning how to bid on keywords. Pay per click is by far, the most favorable method of advertising for the majority of online advertisers.
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    This is where internet marketers strive to get their website listed on the first page of Google or Yahoo. It is every marketers dream because this is truly the best free advertising you can get. The flip side is it can take many months to get that kind of placement. You have to put in a lot of time and effort into building your website pages around keywords that rank high in the search engines. Definitely consider this method for a long term strategy.
    Writing Articles
    Writing articles is an excellent way to start ranking your website high in the search engines. Articles can be used as a short term strategy as well as long term. What happens is you write an article and submit it to one of the article directories and that article then gets picked up by other website owners who must leave your resource information intact. This creates a viral effect that spreads all across the internet. Before you know it you will have visitors coming in droves to your website. The one thing all great internet marketers have in common is, they all write articles.
    Solo Ads
    Solo ads are paid ads you place with ezine advertisers. These ads are sent out to the ezine owners entire mailing list exclusively. The cost of a solo ad can range anywhere from $10 to $2500 depending on the size and responsiveness of the list. You definitely want to incorporate this method into your online advertising.
    Forums and Message Boards
    This method is also a terrific way to generate website traffic. You just have to be careful not to spam them. By providing useful information to others you get to promote your website link through a signature file. Most of them do not allow commercial or affiliate links in the post itself. So don't do it or you will have a lot of angry people and you will probably get banned from the forum.
    Forum posts also get indexed by the search engines so this can also be a long term strategy as well as short term.
    Free Classifieds
    I like to use free classifieds simply because it is free. This method doesn't produce a whole lot of traffic but is an excellent way to get your website link out there and only takes minutes to place an ad on them. You will need to register with most of them first. Some classified sites will allow you to post daily while others only let you post once a month.
    Google, Yahoo, and MSN all have groups that you can join. Search for groups that pertains to what you are promoting and join in. There are thousands of them. One recommendation I would like to make is, make sure you check the box to read messages online or you will also get bombarded with tons of emails. I receive many visitors from posting my ads to groups.
    Be prepared with this method as you will get hundreds of email messages daily. You have to supply them with two email addresses that have to be confirmed. I recommend not using your personal email addresses for these. Safelists allow you to send messages to other members in exchange for them being able to send messages to you. They offer free and paid memberships.
    Traffic Exchanges
    You will get tons of traffic using this method most of which is not targeted. With traffic exchanges you view other peoples websites in exchange for them viewing yours. Marketers call this surfing for credits because you have to spend anywhere from 10 seconds to 30 seconds on each site before going on to the next site.
    One of the greatest things about advertising online is that you can start receiving visitors to your website within minutes.
    Lynn Quario has been studying online business opportunities since Jan. 2005. She is a mentor and supporter for anyone looking to start an online business. Check out her website at []

    Article Source:

    Starting An Online Business? - Tutorial 4 - Selecting The Right Web Hosting Company

    Once you have selected the business domain name(s) that you wish to utilize then the next step is to research what web hosting company best suits your online requirements? There are a vast amount of web hosting companies to choose from and each of them offers numerous packages for your ecommerce solution. Each of these packages includes the same basic features but each company performs better for each of these depending on the businesses requirements.
    We will go through the basic features that your online business requires to have a reliable, successful ecommerce solution. Consider the following features when researching you ideal web hosting company:
    1. Customer Support - All web hosting company ought to have this feature but you must check how easily it is to use and how soon the company can deal with problems that occur. There are always problems that will occur when dealing with ecommerce software or your new website so look for a support number on the company's website and other means of contacting them. Many companies offer a free trial period so take this opportunity to test the support team, address issues such as email, domain transfers and server downtime, try the hosting company before you commit to it.
    2. Secure Server - This feature is an absolute necessity for ecommerce software as an SSL certificate is needed for the ecommerce solution to accept credit cards through their online store. This feature is often an additional cost but if you are going to operate an ecommerce store then having this facility within your web hosting company should be on you research checklist.
    3. Web Space - Most websites have pages ranging from 10k to 50k so for an average site of about 15 pages, of which images are included, the website should need no more than 5MB of web space. For a larger ecommerce solution that includes a large number of images then your web space will need to be larger, around 15MB. Many web hosting company's offer much more space than this as they know they vast majority of users will not use anywhere near the web space they are being offered. These packages that offer 500MB of web space do so for advertising to prospective customers who don't have an idea of how much web space they require.
    For a complete ecommerce software solution that includes web hosting and enough web space to upload as many products as an online business requires, look at eSellution ecommerce software. Although a new company they have established a good client base, this is because of the integration included in the online software, this includes ecommerce website, eBay sync, Facebook store, Amazon sync and payment integration.
    The ecommerce software of the future, for business owners looking to launch their own online store with an all-in-one ecommerce solution. New ecommerce website, eBay store, Facebook store and mobile integration all within one system.

    Starting An Online Business? Tutorial 1 - The Business Idea

    Beginning your online business can be one of the most rewarding and difficult tasks that your business will encounter. The first step is to come up with the idea, without a good idea, a good product or service, good content and good support anything else that your business does will be surplus to requirements. Producing ecommerce solutions for your business will only be successful if the concept is commercially feasible.
    If you already have a business offline, a traditional product or service business then this is a logical place to start. This may seem obvious but many businesses that launch their websites only view the internet as another place to advertise, the internet can be a whole lot more. These businesses do not utilize ecommerce solutions and only look at producing what is known as a 'brochure website'. They simply replicate their print promotions and brochures and do not use other tools that are available to promote their business online through their website. These websites are not completely ineffective as the business may not be selling products and will just need a presence on the internet for making contact; these could include traditional trades, such as electricians and plumbers.
    The online market has become the busiest market in the world, however by having a website should be a whole lot more than just replicating existing advertising. Your online business should take advantage of all the networking force of the internet including ecommerce software and a Facebook store. Your website should be a showcase of your business, for people to obtain information and buy products. In the current market more people search for company information online rather than traditional methods so by having your companies details presented to your current clients, potential clients and the international market, your company will gain a higher profile.
    If you are starting from scratch and do not have an existing business you should look for ideas where you already have experience and expertise. If your experience does not seem to connect to a new online business opportunity, your next step should be to research a successful online business sector. Once you are aware of how ecommerce solutions can be utilized, look for ways to create these solutions in a better way or look for a niche that has not been fully utilized. There are always ways to improve upon existing services and products online, so by having the insight will provide you with the best opportunity to produce better ecommerce solutions.
    Your research should be carried out into sectors you have a real passion for as this will be ongoing research and will take time, so by having a sector that interests you will make it easier and more interesting. Many ecommerce software solutions started with serious research into trends, markets and audience so make sure that your research is extensive so that every area is covered.
    There is a real focus on social networking in the current market so by having ecommerce solutions that provides networking capabilities is now a must for any online business sector. An eBay store and Facebook store can be good medium in which to start selling your products as both lend kindly to networking and getting your product seen by the public. By finding which products and markets are selling well, utilize social networks. Find out what your competition is doing and what your friends are buying, this will give you a starting point for an online business that has the opportunity to become successful.
    The ecommerce software of the future, for business owners looking to launch their own online store with all-in-one ecommerce software. New ecommerce website, eBay store, Facebook store and mobile integration all within one online system.